Securely share sensitive legal documents and communications with unparalleled privacy and control.
Share encrypted message links anywhere.
Your conversations remain strictly between you and your client – completely inaccessible to others, including us.
Customize your security levels with location locks and time-sensitive access and more.
Receive immediate notifications upon message opening, maintainting timely responses in your legal practice.
Secure Messaging for Legal Experts
Control Who, Where, When, and How Your Messages are Accessed, with Unmatched Legal-grade Security and Compliance
Your Links, Your Rules.
Ensure that your confidential information is accessed only in designated safe zones, such as your company's headquarters.
Require receivers to confirm their identity through phone or email, significantly reducing the risk of unauthorized access.
Send messages that immediately self-destruct after they are read.
Explore additional security options.
Take control of the lifespan of your messages with flexible options ranging from 1 week to just 10 minutes. Set it and forget it, never worrying about outdated information lingering and falling into the wrong hands.
Add an additional layer of security by requiring a passcode to open the message, thus keeping your information extra secure.
Never let a message expire unnoticed. Automatically send reminders to guests before your message disappears.
Our excellent customer support team is ready to help.